söndag 27 december 2009

Saving the planet...

This morning, we left a cold northern Sweden and headed south by car, which took about five hours. As today is the last day of Christmas holidays for a lot of people, the roads were packed with cars going north and even more going south.

We started discussing the necessity of having a not so thirsty car... but concluded that saving the planet has very little to do with fuel-efficient cars. It's more about not using it. If we all could leave the car at home and take the train, we would contribute to the saving of the planet.

Just read the conclusions from EWEA about the European wind power development during 2009 and it's actually very promising reading. In times of economical turbulence, environmental and energy problems, it seems like Europe has found wind power being a smart rescue for all three.

Wind power can replace a large proportion of the polluting and finite fuels that we currently rely on. Moreover, it creates a lot of new jobs and most importantly - it decreases the CO2 emissions drastically. Three major problems - one solution - a Kinder egg!

Unfortunately, wind power can not save the planet by itself. Being a great contributor, it can only be one contribution. The fuel-efficient cars is another, leaving the car behind a third, recycling yet another. Saving the planet is all about these small contributions and everyone can do something.

Next time, I'll take the train!

1 kommentar:

  1. Another great option that we have is to work from home every now and then... Not much maybe, but as we say in Sweden "alla bäckar små"...

    We can handle many work tasks from home, and during 2010 it will become easier to also have great meetings from home.
